Conditions Helped

At First Step Family Wellness, we are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and well-being. Our holistic approach helps a wide range of conditions, addressing the root causes and providing comprehensive solutions. We understand that each person is unique, and we support every individual’s bio-individuality, tailoring our care to their specific needs. Through personalized care, we aim to restore balance to the body and promote natural healing. Explore the various conditions we commonly help with below, knowing that our team is committed to providing personalized care for your specific health concerns.


“When my oldest was 2 years old we started trying for #2. I breastfed my son for over two years, and I realized my body was depleted when I had a miscarriage a few months into trying. The doctors at First Step Family Wellness were very comforting and began supporting my body with supplements and more regular adjustments to replenish my body and help us reach our goal of adding to our family.

After about a year of replenishing my body with nourishing clean foods, following instructions for rest and exercise, and regular supplementation, we were pregnant with baby #2. I am now 20 weeks pregnant and continue to support my body and baby with rest, a clean diet, bi-weekly chiropractic care and individualized prenatal supplementation. We are so grateful for Jeanne, Ryan and Jana’s patient, wise and holistic approach to fertility and supporting how God designed my body to grow a healthy baby.” –Renee, 31 yo

The doctors use a combination of chiropractic, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to balance the nervous system and hormones of the body. There are a number of other issues women have that respond well to care at our office, usually involving pain, digestive problems, and emotional wellness. Our doctors have seen positive outcomes working with women with the following:

  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Fertility
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Constipation/Digestive issues
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Mobility
  • Chronic pain

Chiropractic care serves as the foundation for support through these seemingly unrelated issues because the chiropractic adjustment reduces stress on the nervous system, which controls all other body systems, including the endocrine (hormonal), reproductive, digestive, musculoskeletal and immune system. Proper diet and digestion then ensure that the body has the nutrients required to function optimally.

A thorough health history gives the doctors insight into stressors on the digestive system and potential nutrient deficiencies. For example, inability to conceive, inability to induce labor, and dry skin are associated with lipid (fat) deficiency; swelling, menstrual cramps, and muscle cramps at night are associated with protein deficiency; and heartburn and constipation are associated with excess sugar. Your doctor at First Step Family Wellness will work with you to determine where dietary changes and enzyme therapy are necessary to restore your body’s innate state of wellbeing.

A Note on Fertility

A healthy period is the cornerstone of conception and pregnancy. Most women who suffer from infertility have been on birth control for a number of years, some even since they started their first menstrual cycle. This means that their body has never performed a normal period. Assessing for a normal period takes into account length of cycle, length of menstruation, color and amount of discharge, and any symptoms associated with menstruation. Your doctor will go through these details with you, troubleshoot which factors in your lifestyle may be affecting your cycle and make recommendations to begin shifting your period to a healthy expression of internal balance.

Furthermore, all estrogen containing oral contraceptives deplete beneficial flora, magnesium, zinc, most trace minerals, B vitamins, and vitamin C. If you have ever taken, or plan on taking, one of these medications, keep in mind that it will take time and specific supplementation to restore these nutritional reserves crucial to growing a healthy baby.


Services Recommended:

  • Chiropractic Care
  • Enzyme Therapy
  • 24 Hour Urinalysis
  • Advanced Blood Work
  • Dutch Test
  • Chronic Infection Testing
  • Emotional Release (NET)

Common does not equal NORMAL!

There is an ever growing number of women who suffer from PMS symptoms. Women talk to their friends about their PMS issues and the consensus is that these experiences are normal:

  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Food cravings
  • Bloating
  • Depression
  • Cramps
  • Back pain
  • Tender breasts
  • Fatigue

Why? Because all of their friends suffer from these PMS symptoms too! So, why wouldn’t you think if all of your friends suffer from the same women’s health issues that it must be normal?

Women suffering from the same PMS symptoms

Just because countless women suffer from the same types of PMS symptoms, does NOT make those symptoms normal. A normal period should have NO symptoms. You read that correctly: NO PMS symptoms. That may seem hard to grasp due to the vast majority of women suffering from premenstrual and menstrual symptoms, but it is possible.

Furthermore, it is not acceptable to tell a woman who is afflicted with these premenstrual issues that it is all in her head and she should start taking antidepressant medication. Does that seem like an extreme recommendation? Well it’s not; at least not in our society.

Your menstrual cycle and antidepressants

Women being prescribed antidepressants for premenstrual problems has become the “normal”. This current treatment plan is starting to affect younger and younger women and the long-term effects to the brain from these drugs are still unknown. As a society, we are led to believe these prescriptions are completely safe, but take the time to read through the warning labels and you will be baffled how even a chance of something like “suicidal thoughts” is considered to be an acceptable side effect. But, what’s your other option? Suffer from terrible PMS and periods the rest of your childbearing years? No, it’s much simpler than that!

Finding and treating the cause of your premenstrual symptoms

At First Step Family Wellness in St. Louis, MO, we see these complaints every day. The best way to relieve these symptoms is to find the cause. If you reference our videos, such as the one on our blog, “The Dirty Little Secret of PMS: What Every Woman Should Know”, Dr. Ryan talks about the different possible causes of these symptoms. Once you find the cause, the treatment plan is clear. The main treatment protocol that we use in our office to help women with PMS symptoms is a combination of chiropractic adjustments, enzyme therapy, and diet and lifestyle changes.

Services Recommended:

  • Chiropractic Care
  • Enzyme Therapy
  • 24 Hour Urinalysis
  • Advanced Blood Work
  • Dutch Test
Pregnancy Discomfort & Breech Presentation

Dr. Jeanne, Dr. Jana, Dr. Michelle, and Dr. Micah provide chiropractic care for pregnant women with gentle adjustments to help with common symptoms experienced during pregnancy, such as:

  • Back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Groin pain
  • Round ligament pain
  • Sciatica
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Leg cramps
  • Achy feet
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty sleeping

They are all trained in the Webster Technique, a method of specific chiropractic assessment and adjustment to the pelvis of a pregnant woman that helps balance the muscles, ligaments, and bony pelvis. The most widely recognized benefits of the Webster Technique include:

  • More comfortable pregnancy
  • Faster, easier delivery
  • Smoother postpartum recovery

Balancing the pelvis and associated soft tissues removes tension and torque on the uterus, allowing the baby as much room as possible to assume optimal position for delivery. It also creates the widest diameter in the birth canal for the baby to descend through. Furthermore, the chiropractic adjustment helps improve nervous system functioning by decreasing nerve irritation associated with joint fixation or misalignment. This enables the brain to communicate more effectively with key structures, such as the uterus.

The benefits of prenatal chiropractic care also extend to the developing baby:

  • Maximized room for physical growth
  • Less nervous system stress transmitted from the mom

In addition, the doctors have advanced prenatal training, with a focus in the Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT), enzyme therapy, and methylation. They are well versed in nutrition and their care includes individualized prenatal supplement support, as well as dietary recommendations based on both the pregnant moms symptoms and exam findings. Their comprehensive skill set, along with extensive knowledge, equip them to support pregnant moms through more complicated concerns during pregnancy, such as:

  • Nausea
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Swelling
  • High blood pressure
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Bleeding gums
  • Yeast infection

According to the American Pregnancy Association, chiropractic is a very safe and effective treatment to restore proper motion and alignment to the spine and extremity joints during pregnancy. All through pregnancy there are a number of physiological and endocrine (hormonal) changes that occur in relation to the growth of the developing baby and in preparation for birth. The following changes could result in joint restriction or misalignment:

  • Protrusion of the abdomen and an increased low back curve
  • Growth of breast tissue and strain on upper back
  • Release of relaxin
  • Nutrient deficiencies

The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) recommends that women receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to establish pelvic balance and optimize the room a baby has for development, as well as to improve overall nervous system function and communication. The nervous system is the master communication system to all the body systems, including the reproductive system. Keeping the spine in motion and aligned helps the entire body work more effectively.

Dr. Jeanne, Dr. Jana, Dr. Michelle, and Dr. Micah look forward to providing moms with the most comprehensive support, practical skills, and up-to-date knowledge about how to have a healthy pregnancy and birth.

For more information on the Webster Technique, see our blog “The Webster Technique: A Way to Reduce Pregnancy Fears and Delivery Complications”.

For more information and testimonials about prenatal care at our office, see our blog “Chiropractic Care Can Be Vital for a Healthy Pregnancy”.

Services Recommended:

  • Chiropractic Care
  • Enzyme Therapy
  • Advanced Blood Work
  • Nitric Oxide Testing
  • IV Therapy
Postpartum Healing

Some have said that what the pregnant body goes through is comparable to running a marathon. And indeed, regardless of how the baby is delivered, the biomechanical, nutritional, and emotional toll of growing and giving birth to a new human is extraordinary. Our goal in postpartum care is to support the mother in each of these crucial areas: alignment and movement, nutrition and supplementation, and mental and emotional wellbeing.

In addition to postpartum chiropractic adjustments, we also offer postpartum movement assessment and exercises including: evaluation of breathing technique as it relates to core and pelvic floor function; posture in various positions; scar tissue management; daily activities such as walking and squatting; and babywearing.

Nutritional guidance is especially important if the mother struggled with consuming enough food during pregnancy because of nausea, vomiting, or other digestive issues, or simply limited space in the belly. Furthermore, if the mother is breastfeeding, it is imperative that she eat a plentiful and varied diet to continue to nurture her growing baby. Our personalized approach to nutrition and digestive health ensure optimization of both mother and baby’s nourishment.

We offer questionnaires assessing for mental health struggles, as well as ample time during office visits for the mother to discuss any concerns she has with her postpartum experience. We make holistic recommendations, including creative ways to find more rest and more help from family, friends, and doulas or babysitters.

Growing Pains

Growing pains are a very common complaint of the pediatric population. Growing pains are often described as an ache or pain in the legs. Usually in the front of the thighs, the calves, or around the knees. Growing pains typically affect both legs and are most frequent at night. They may even wake a child from sleep. Children often times feel these pains during periods of rapid growth.

Nutritionally, the body has a much higher demand for nutrients and minerals at this time of growth. When children experience growing pains, it’s a sign the body is trying to tell us the bones need more minerals to create tissue.

The doctors at First Step Family Wellness can utilize many different pathways to help with growing pains depending of your child’s specific needs. Chiropractic care can be of utmost importance during this time, as we know that during times of growth the body can create imbalances and muscle tension to compensate for the increase in size.

Services Recommended:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments
  • Enzyme Therapy
  • Targeted Mineral Support
  • Exercises/Stretches
Clogged Tear Ducts

“When my son was 1 week old, we realized that he had “eye goop” coming from one eye constantly. We took him to the pediatrician who diagnosed him with a clogged tear duct. The only plan of action was antibiotic eye drops which didn’t make sense to me as a parent as the doctor stated there was no infection. I took him to Dr. Jeanne at First Step Family Wellness and after 3 weeks of specific cranial adjustments his clogged tear duct completely resolved!”
-Michelle, 35 yo mother

Symptoms of blocked tear ducts:

  • Excessive tearing
  • Redness of the white part of the eye
  • Recurrent eye infection or inflammation, known as pink eye
  • Painful swelling near the inside corner of the eye
  • Crusting of the eyelids
  • Mucus or pus discharge from the lids and surface of the eye
  • Blurred vision

The tear glands located above each eye, called the lacrimal glands, continuously supply tear fluid that’s spread across the surface of your eye each time you blink your eyelids. Excess fluid drains through the tear ducts into the nose. When you have a blocked tear duct, your tears can’t drain normally, leaving you with a watery, irritated eye. The condition is caused by a partial or complete obstruction in the tear drainage system.

Specific chiropractic adjustments to the cranial and facial bones can bring balance to the system and restore proper function of the lacrimal glands to drain appropriately. Gentle massage and acupressure can also be used to help the body drain the fluid and restore normal function.


Symptoms of Asthma:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Chest tightness
  • Rapid breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects the airways; the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. It is characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. The symptoms can range from mild to severe and can be triggered by various factors such as allergens (e.g., pollen, dust mites), respiratory infections, exercise, cold air, and certain irritants (e.g., smoke, strong odors). A common irritant to the airways that is overlooked is sugar. Sugar can cause airway inflammation leading to these symptoms as well.

Now, that you know what asthma is, what can you do about it? The simplest solution is reducing the inflammation the airway must deal with. This can be accomplished from a natural standpoint easier than you may think. The most common place to start with asthma is the diet, Yes, I said diet. Sugar is pro inflammatory for the alveoli of the lungs causing mucus production.

Chiropractic adjustments can also make a large difference in how an asthmatic feels. The adjustment is used for two main reasons. First, it can open the mid back and allow the ribs to function properly for easier breath. Second, the adjustment will allow the nervous system to work correctly giving the body the ability to constrict or dilate the alveoli when needed.

Plantar Fasciitis

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis:

  • Heel pain
  • Morning pain
  • Foot arch pain
  • Stiffness
  • Pain with activity
  • Tenderness

Plantar fasciitis is a condition that involves inflammation and irritation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes. The plantar fascia acts as a shock absorber and supports the arch of the foot. When excessive stress or tension is placed on the plantar fascia, small tears can develop in the tissue. This can lead to inflammation, pain, and discomfort.

There are several different paths you can take to correct this issue that are offered at First Step Family Wellness.

  1. Chiropractic adjustment of the foot, knee, and/or pelvis
  2. Custom orthotics: A stiff but flexible orthotic molded specifically to your foot
  3. Diet: Low inflammatory diet with increase in protein

Remember that ligaments take a long time to heal. So, whatever path you choose, give it time to properly heal the plantar fascia.


Services Recommended:

  • Red Light Therapy
Enzyme Deficiency

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are proteins that act as a catalyst in our bodies by breaking down the food we eat. The food is broken into particles small enough to be absorbed by the cells that line the intestinal tract.

Raw fruits and vegetables contain the enzymes necessary to break down the food themselves without requiring much assistance from our bodies to produce them. Therefore, eating raw fruits and vegetables is much less taxing on our digestive system. By consuming large amounts of processed foods, that do not offer any enzymatic assistance, our bodies can become enzyme deficient over time. While digestion is a huge component of the job enzymes perform, it is not the only one! Enzymes are extremely complex biomechanical substances. Enzymes play a role in almost all aspects of our health and well-being. They make our heart beat, help us breathe, aid in our thought process, energy production, healing wounds, dissolving blood clots, slowing the aging process, and even help with muscle and nerve function!

What types of enzymes are there?

  1. Food enzymes- found in raw foods
  2. Digestive enzymes- produced by the body in order to break down foods
  3. Mechanical enzymes- run biomechanical processes in our bodies

The 4 essential food enzymes

  1. Proteases- These enzymes are responsible for breaking down proteins (meats, beans, dairy, etc.)
  2. Amylases- These enzymes handle breaking down carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates (pasta, potatoes, cookies, etc.) The amylases are essential to breaking down milk sugar, refined sugar, and malt sugar.
  3. Lipases- These enzymes break down fats (olives, avocados, etc.)
  4. Cellulases- These enzymes break down fiber (celery, carrots, etc.)

It can be hard to grasp how complex our bodies are! Quite literally, without enzymes, we would cease to exist. This is why we have to be incredibly conscious of what we are putting in our bodies. We need to ensure we are providing the proper nutrition to keep things operating. Not putting the right nutrition in our bodies is like putting diesel in a car that takes unleaded gasoline, then wondering why the car broke down! The greasy processed foods, overcooked foods, and refined sugars, are our equivalent to putting diesel in a vehicle that takes unleaded.

How do I know if if I am enzyme deficient?

This is a great question and it’s actually much easier to unravel than one may expect. There are often times when patients come into First Step Family Wellness, suffering from things like:

  • Heartburn
  • Acid reflux
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Anxiety
  • Stiff, sore joints
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia

These can all be signs of enzyme deficiency. Of course, it should always be evaluated to ensure there isn’t something else occurring, but these are signs of enzyme deficiency.

It’s unfortunate to see so many people that are forever on antacids because they simply do not know they only need to increase their enzyme-rich food intake, and possibly need a supplement to boost the enzymatic processes back up. Doing these two things will work wonders for relieving the above listed digestive issues people complain of!

So, what happens if I don’t handle my enzyme deficiency?

This is where the marvel of how food and nutrition can truly heal a body is awesome in the truest sense of the word. However, there are an enormous amount of people who suffer from enzyme deficiency. In fact, over $80 billion per year is spent to relieve digestive issue like irregularity, fatigue, gas, and headaches.

By merely adjusting your diet and perhaps some enzyme therapy through nutritional supplements, you can prevent these more pesky and sometimes debilitating issues that can occur as a direct result from enzyme deficiency:

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Diabetes
  • Colitis
  • High cholesterol
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Excessive bloating

What’s the best way to fix my enzyme deficiency?

As mentioned a few times through this article, consuming raw fruits and vegetables are the first step in restoring the efficiency of your enzymatic processes. Sometimes though, a person’s body may be so deprived and overworked, that enzyme therapy is also necessary to restore a body back to full health. This is a simple process of consuming recommended whole food supplements that will aid in your recovery.

Speak to your chiropractor today or contact us for a consultation, if you have more questions or concerns. Also remember to teach your children now, the importance of good nutrition by explaining things in an age appropriate manner. As children get older, revisit the subject with more specific detail that they will then understand. Knowledge is powerful and so are our bodies when properly cared for!

Sensory Issues

Recognizing and Diagnosing Sensory Processing Disorder

Our senses are what guide us through everyday life. Keeping us in tune with ourselves and the rest of the world. Yet, occasionally our sense of taste, smell, touch, hearing or sight becomes misguided by something physical or environmental.

It could be anxiety that spawns from family life, work responsibilities, or the effects of depression. It could be seasonal allergies or irritation from the tag on your new shirt. Or, you may be a picky eater, find it difficult to focus with surrounding ambient sounds, and have pain in your hands from repetitive tasks.

While such things are usually temporary for many of us and easily treated, the STAR Institute has previously found that approximately 16% of children (ages 7 to 11 years old) have a unique disorder called Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). It is unclear what percent of adults are diagnosed with SPD, considering that many times SPD is overlooked and misdiagnosed as ADD/ADHD, autism, aspergers, depression, or another mental disorder. This makes it important for individuals and parents to be able to; recognize what everyday symptoms are associated with the disorder, and what steps may be taken to help them find greater sensory balance in everyday life.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a neurological problem that causes disruptions and over-stimulations in the sensory areas of your brain; which in turn impairs your ability to respond, process, and organize daily sensory information.

This not only includes the five senses you were taught throughout upper elementary school and middle school, but also the most significant elements of your sensory processing system – the vestibular and proprioceptive systems – that you most likely have never heard of, if you’ve never studied anatomy at some point in your life. The vestibular sensory system is in your middle ear and is what balances how your sense of smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch interact with themselves and the space around you. Meanwhile, the proprioceptive system controls the reactions, sensations, and motions of your joints and muscles that may become imbalanced or disoriented. In other words, it’s what controls each of your body parts and is your physical awareness.

What Causes Sensory Processing Disorder?

Studies have found that Sensory Processing Disorder can often develop when, if, and how a child has successfully reached primary developmental milestones. If the senses are underdeveloped, such as with infants in the first four-months of life, then what is called the Moro reflex may become activated. By definition, the Moro reflex is losing partial or full control of your body – the same feeling you get when you have a shiver up your spine or are startled by a person or unexpected sound.

If these milestones are not readily developed and practiced, then they remain under-developed throughout our lifetime; often increasing the likelihood of being more stressed, depressed, introverted, under-achieving, anxious, and unhappy on a daily or consistent basis.

In addition, other common factors have been found to also contribute to the 16% prevalence of SPD in children and adults. The physical and social environments that surround us have a direct effect on our growth and evolution as individuals, such as a heavily polluted city or a neglectful and hateful family life. It also includes the type of labor and stress-level of your child’s birth; such as natural, medicated, cesarean, and any correlating problems before, during, or after. In addition to the elements of your DNA, the primitive nature retained from our ancestors, and spinal misalignments that affect your joints and range of motion can also cause Sensory Processing Disorder.

Red Flags of SPD to Remember

The evidence of your child having Sensory Processing Disorder is likely to be different from the signs another person with SPD has. However, it is likely that – depending on the affected sense and area – all signs are severe across the spectrum. Not only is it possible for only one or all five of the senses to be over or under-stimulated, signs may appear at different times in one’s lifetime.

Generally, here are the most common red flag symptoms that you should watch for:

  • Touch: Social anxiety, poor concentration, poor academic grades, aversion to touching others or craves a need to be touched, overly-controlling, easily irritated, hates being dirty or messy, can’t sit still, uses mouth to explore objects, and poor dexterity.
  • Smell: Excessive food or environmental allergies, often smells objects or other people, does not like new objects due to odd smells, and poor behavior or health around certain chemicals.
  • Taste: Picky towards many foods, show signs of pica, and problems eating.
  • Auditory: Becomes easily angry or irritated towards certain sounds, makes particular and repetitive sounds towards technological or other environmental noises, has issues following directions, hypersensitivity, consistently messes with ears and speaks loudly, little or no vocalization, and difficulty understanding speech.
  • Visual: Poor hand-eye coordination, visual pain or discomfort, consistent headaches, problems reading by themselves or in-front of others, difficulties walking up or down stairs, etc.
  • Vestibular: Dislikes certain physical or environmental movements, likes watching repetitive movements (such as fans), issues with reading and writing in cursive, poor listening skills while active, poor balance, motion sickness, or consistent and violent head banging.
  • Proprioception: Has a need for physical contact, dislikes having their head touched, sleep problems, inability to keep eyes closed for lengthy periods of time, sleepwalking, restlessness, need to be covered by heavy materials, dislike of team sports, poor math skills, extreme clumsiness, and so on.

Recommended SPD Treatments

When your vestibular sensory system is out of balance with one or more of your senses, it is directly linked to a physical imbalance or stress in your upper neck. Thus, if you are injured, sick, stiff or stressed, your Moro reflex becomes activated and your nervous system goes into overdrive. If left untreated, this begins to reduce the support, stability and strength felt throughout the rest of your body. It is something you will easily recognize, due to the overall discomfort it brings, and will need to sway you towards effective at-home and chiropractic treatments.

Before taking matters into your own hands, it is best that you speak with your general physician and licensed chiropractor about your symptoms and the right treatment options for you or your child.

Generally, it is important that you practice a consistent stress-free lifestyle that keeps you mentally and physically active, to ensure that your sensory pathways remain strong and well-balanced. This includes stretching and exercising daily, particularly in the morning after you wake up to open and re-align your body from the day and night before. Many practice tai chi, yoga and/or meditation, take moderate outdoor walks or runs, body-strengthening exercises, hula-hooping, dance, and any other strong therapeutic movements. While also eating well, including reducing or eliminating sugar, artificial ingredients and caffeine. I know, the latter may seem impossible!

You will also want to schedule a session with your chiropractor, like Dr. Ryan and Dr. Jeanne Sandheinrich of First Step Family Wellness in Kirkwood, Missouri. They will be able to tell you which receptors (electrical impulses) in your cervical spine are being negatively affected, reducing your control and increasing your discomfort. Having regular chiropractic adjustments to fit your needs will effectively rebalance your seven senses and gradually improve your sense of control in your daily life. 

How can First Step Family Wellness Help?

Since mid-2013, Dr. Ryan and Dr. Jeanne of First Step Family Wellness, have successfully treated individuals of all ages suffering from general pain and discomfort to disorders like Sensory Processing Disorder. If your main complaint is an over-abundance of allergies, consistent headaches or migraines, and neck or back pain; then Dr. Ryan uses his chiropractic skills to help your body heal and re-balance itself. Alternatively, if your child suffers from similar issues or has shown any of the symptoms discussed above, then Dr. Jeanne uses her expertise in chiropractic care and techniques to balance their sensitive sensory pathways.

If you spot SPD symptoms in you or your child, come visit us at First Step Family Wellness in Kirkwood, MO today to start living a more balanced and content life.


Constipation is a common digestive issue that occurs when there is difficulty in passing stools or when bowel movements become infrequent. It can occur for various reasons and can range from temporary and mild to chronic and severe. Constipation can occur when intestinal contractions become sluggish, causing the stool to move slowly through the colon. This can lead to excessive water absorption from the stool, making it hard and difficult to pass.

Symptoms of constipation include:

  • Fewer than one bowel movement per day
  • Straining: difficulty or pain while passing stool
  • Hard stools
  • Incomplete evacuation
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Reduced appetite
  • Diffuse low back pain

There are several different places to start to help with constipation from a natural standpoint. Most are very simple and can be effective.

  • Hydrate: bowels need water to move the stool
  • Be active
  • Slow down when you eat
  • Chiropractic adjustment
  • Digestive enzymes (our personal favorite)

How do I know if I have a Chronic Stealth Infection?

Unfortunately, most of the allopathic (traditional western) medicine does not recognize or understand chronic stealth infections; so often they are misdiagnosed or go untreated. It is possible you or a family member has been suffering from the effects of a chronic stealth infection and not even know it.

Common chronic stealth infection symptoms include:

  • Extreme fatigue (chronic fatigue)
  • Hard time losing weight (thyroid/adrenal functions)
  • Food or chemical sensitivities
  • Anxiety/depression (gut issues)
  • Pain (fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, restless leg syndrome)
  • Nervous system issues (multiple sclerosis, tics, sensory issues)
  • Any hard to explain symptoms
  • Chronic low iron or anemia

What is a Chronic Stealth Infection?

They are called chronic stealth infections because they are hard to detect and hard to treat for the following reasons:

  • They hide underneath the surface, not being detected by the immune system. The bugs are smart. For example, Borrelia is a stealth pathogen that has 600 genes, whereas a typical bacteria has only 6-15.
  • You can live with a lot of infections for a long time before the body is broken down enough to show symptoms. This can happen when the system is under a lot of stress: physical, chemical, or emotional.

The most common diagnoses that involve chronic stealth infections are Lyme disease and Strep (PANDAS/PANS). Lyme disease includes infections of the bugs:  Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia, and Ehrlichia. PANDAS/PANS often involves children who fight recurring streptococcus. Often the children with a PANDAS/PANS diagnosis have a Lyme component or other infections as part of the main issue.

Unfortunately for many people, the infections do not stop there. Some of the other infections that can go right along with the Lyme bugs and Strep are: Epstein Barr Virus, Candida Albicans, Mycoplasma, Cytomegalovirus and the list goes on and on. One person can have many of these bugs hanging out in their system. This is why each person can present very differently with symptoms and not one person can be treated the same way. This can become very complex and it is important to find a practitioner that is experienced and continues to learn about how to help the body deal with these infections.

How Does Someone Get a Chronic Stealth Infection?

There are many ways that someone can be exposed to these bugs. Most people hear about tick borne illness and think that this is the only way to be exposed to some of these bugs. Along with tick bites, there are other ways of transmission:

  • Mosquitos
  • Spiders
  • Fleas
  • Sexually
  • Saliva
  • In utero

This is how one person can have many of these infections at one time. It also seems like once the body has been opened to one infection, it opens the door and allows others to just flood right in.


More information coming soon.

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Contact our team to schedule an appointment and take your first step to wellness. Our dedicated team will guide you through our comprehensive approach, tailored to your unique needs. Experience the benefits of our holistic wellness care and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life for you and your family.